ALMPro® Liquidity

ALMPro® Liquidity

ALMPro® Liquidity is utilized by credit unions which have a solution in place for IRR but need assistance with estimating and managing liquidity risk. Like all of our services, it is an outsourced design which provides a quarterly analysis and report.

Each quarter your ALMPro® Liquidity report includes:

  • A static balance sheet liquidity analysis using ratios.
  • Cash flow forecast with a one-year timeframe.
  • Stress testing of the cash flow forecasts using a moderate and severe scenario
  • A Liquidity Coverage Ratio which is adapted for credit union use and tests the 30-day horizon.

If ALMPro Liquidity is for you:

Please call (800) 268-7795 or click on for further information on ALMPro® Liquidity